Once purchased, set them up with the Manus Core and C++ SDK. Our released Bidex software is a custom C++ SDK that sends the commands to a Python/ROS API for robotics use.
Please see our Github for further details.
Teacher Arms
Bidex uses the Gello teacher arm system. First, assemble the Gello for your partciular robot arm and setup the software.
Next, mount the glove to GELLO. To do this, remove the gripper. Instead, 3D print a plastic block with a ~1/4" hole to insert a 1/4" heated brass insert. The glove can be screwed into this insert using the 1/4" mount provided by Manus.
The LEAP Hand is the most popular robot hand in machine learning research. It is an open-source low-cost dexterous and anthropomorphic hand.
LEAP Hand v1 is simpler to produce and is a benchmark in dexterous manipulation. LEAP v2 is an advanced hand with kinematic similarity and compliance to a human hand but is still fairly easy to 3D print and produce. Both are readily obtainable by any research lab.
The total cost of Bidex, gloves, teacher arms and LEAP Hands hands costs under $15k and are compatible with many existing robot arms. Even if you need to purchase two xArms ($8k each) the total cost is around $30k for the tabletop setup. The mobile base costs only around $6k more.
Teleoperation System cost. Please see GELLO for further details on the arm teleoperation and our code for the hands.