Assembly Instructions

Manus Gloves

  • Bidex uses the Quantum Mocap Metagloves (with edu discount costs ~$6000 for the pair).
  • Once purchased, set them up with the Manus Core and C++ SDK. Our released Bidex software is a custom C++ SDK that sends the commands to a Python/ROS API for robotics use.
  • Please see our Github for further details.

Teacher Arms

Gello Adapter
The adapter on GELLO for the glove.
Gello Diagram
Full Assembly of Glove + Teacher Arm.
Glove Adapter
Glove with the 1/4" adapter that Manus provides.


  • The LEAP Hand is the most popular robot hand in machine learning research. It is an open-source low-cost dexterous and anthropomorphic hand.
  • LEAP Hand v1 is simpler to produce and is a benchmark in dexterous manipulation. LEAP v2 is an advanced hand with kinematic similarity and compliance to a human hand but is still fairly easy to 3D print and produce. Both are readily obtainable by any research lab.

LEAP Hand v2

Mobile Base

Cost Analysis

  • The total cost of Bidex, gloves, teacher arms and LEAP Hands hands costs under $15k and are compatible with many existing robot arms. Even if you need to purchase two xArms ($8k each) the total cost is around $30k for the tabletop setup. The mobile base costs only around $6k more.
Teleop Cost
Teleoperation System cost. Please see GELLO for further details on the arm teleoperation and our code for the hands.
Mobile Cost
Mobile Base, hands and arm total cost.